New Farm Details New Dog Park Proposition

Residents in the Inner-city suburb of New Farm have been campaigning the Brisbane City Council for a  refurbishment of the New Farm Powerhouse Dog Park.

Being described in “extremely bad condition”, the campaigners have outlined the plan for a location change within Waterfront Park.

The key changes include alignment of dog off leash area fences, pedestrian entry gates, as well as brand new garden bed, public toilets, fitness equipment and footpaths.

400 Prisoners Escape from Tripoli

Some 400 prisoners have escaped from a facility near the Libyan capital Tripoli amid deadly violence between militia groups in the city.

A police officer near the scene said the detainees were able to force open the doors and leave.

Clashes between militias in the city have led Libya's UN-backed government to declare a state of emergency.

Suicide Bomber Attack in Somalia

A suicide bomber has attacked a government office in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, causing a nearby school to collapse.

The bomber rammed a car into the district office, killing three soldiers and injuring 14 people including 6 children, according to reports.

Somalia has faced instability and violence since 1991, when the military government was overthrown.

Two #EndCoal bystanders arrested in Newcastle

More than two peaceful bystanders who were filming a protest, have been arrested in Newcastle.

The bystanders were arrested for aiding and abetting after filming a Newcastle local who stopped coal entering the port by ascending a tripod 10 meters above the train line.

The protest was a collaboration between Frontline Action on Coal and Newcastle Climate Justice Uprising as part of the #EndCoal campaign. The campaign aims to shut down the railways feeding coal into the world's largest coal port in Newcastle.

James Ricketson's Trial

An ongoing investigation now. The Australian filmmaker James Ricketson, has been sentenced by a Cambodian court to six years in prison on charges of spying for an unnamed country, after he was arrested while flying a drone over an opposition rally.

During trial, the prosecution argued that Ricketson's work had damaged Cambodia's reputation on the world stage. The prosecution's main argument relied on several emails in which he expressed sympathy for opposition groups.

Dreamworld's New Attraction

DREAMWORLD has unveiled the first glimpse of a state-of-the-art thrill ride that it hopes will herald a new golden era.

The “Flying Theatre” iRide simulator, which is the latest trend in theme parks in Asia and the US, is on track to open this Christmas holidays.

It is a step to winning back visitors after the Thunder River Rapids tragedy and the subsequent inquest.

The $15 million attraction is being built on the site of the old IMAX theatre.

The Lady Cilento Children's Hospital Name Change

The State Government and Queensland Health are coming to a decision regarding renaming the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital. The hospital was opened in 2014, named after Queensland physician and author Phyllis Cilento.

Over 38,000 Queenslanders voted in an online survey, with 62 percent in favour of a name change.

The proposed name is now ‘Queensland Children’s Hospital’. The name change would require additional alterations to precinct maps, building signage and documentation.  

Right-Wing Strategist Steve Bannon Campaigning in Australia next year

Right-wing US strategist Steve Bannon has issued criticism of Australian leadership, suggesting that the approach to China is weak and ineffectual.  

He ties the US and Australia’s relationship to China as both ‘tributary states’, warning that Australia is a ‘hotbed’ for a working-class revolt, similar in scale to Trump’s populist election win.

He is planning to visit Australia and campaigning his nationalist message before the next election.

Guatemalan Farmers struggle with recovery from June's volcanic eruption

Guatemalan farmers struggle to recover from June’s volcanic eruption.

Ash has damaged trees, killed crops and layered the fields with rock and debris. Destroyed corn and bean crops will force local farmers to buy these staple foods, but without crops to sell, they will need to rely upon government help.

The eruption of Fuego was the biggest in more than four decades and was declared a natural disaster.