11AM Zedlines
This is your 11AM Zedlines with Aryana and Harry.
Image source: Flickr
LGBTIQ Community seeking resprentation
Brisbane South Primary Health Network (PHN) is seeking representation from a diverse range of voices in recognition of the higher rates of mental health issues, suicidality and/or alcohol and other drug use in the LGBTIQ community.
The PHN event will be on 10am on Wednesday, September 19 at the office of Queensland Positive People (QPP), located at 21 Manilla Street in East Brisbane.
Gold Coast organisation helping veterans
A defence veteran who was threatened while mentoring in Afghanistan is healing through the initiative the ‘Men’s Shed’ on the Gold Coast.
Matthew Sawyer is facing the trauma experienced at war, and through the group he is seeking help and promoting the Shed as a place where others, facing similar issues, can gain help.
Originally established to help soldiers returning from the Vietnam War, the Men’s Shed is now seeing another generation of veterans.
Wentworth MP candidate selection
Former Australian Medical Association President Kerryn Phillips has confirmed she will be contesting former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s seat of Wentworth as an independent.
Dr Phelps sees an opportunity to capitalise on the discontent on the seat’s faithful Liberal voters. She believes “the people of Wentworth are frustrated and angry about what happened to him in Federal Parliament and what happened to Malcolm Turnbull.
Australian's Catholic priests push for celibacy and marriage
Australia’s Catholic priests have pushed for optional celibacy and married priests in the nation.
The National Council of Priests believe Pope Francis would approve a request from Australia’s bishops to allow priests to marry in regional areas where the lack of priests is a critical issue. This comes as a response to the child abuse royal commission.
UK couple displaying nerve agent symptoms
A couple in Salisbury in the UK have become ill at a restaurant, displaying the apparent symptoms from nerve agent Novichok.
These are the same symptoms seen as nerve agent victims Sergie and Yulia Skripal, a former Russian military officer and UK intelligence double agent.
Salisbury’s centre, including roads and have been closed off until more details are available. This location is close to Queen Elizabeth Gardens, where Dawn Sturgess was fatally poisoned by a nerve agent.
London Mayor campaigning for Brexit referendum
London Mayor Sadiq Khan is campaigning for another referendum on Britain’s place within the European Union. He has backed an idea known as the ‘People’s Vote’.
With Britain due to leave the EU on March 29, Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit plans are still rejected by many MPs, unions and business leaders. She is being urged to reconsider before a deal is made with Brussels.
May, however, stated that she is ‘irritated’ by the debate over her leadership throughout Brexit.
10AM Zedlines
This is Harry and Georgia with your 10am Zedlines.
Source: Flickr
Two migrant assaults in Germany
Two separate attacks on migrants have resulted in several injured in the state of Saxony-Anhalt this weekend.
Five Germans under the influence of alcohol attacked three Somalis, while elsewhere two Afghan teenagers were assaulted by two men on Saturday afternoon.
This comes after a range of racially motivated attacks have spiked, following Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open door policy in the rise of Europe’s 2015 migrant crisis.
President Trump goes ahead with US-China Tariffs
US President Donald Trump is going ahead with tariffs on $200 billion of Chinese imports, with both sides preparing to hold talks on the disputes.
Reports indicate that the tariffs will be set at around 10 per cent, below the 25 percent announced earlier this year.
Both the US and China have already imposed 25 percent tariffs on each other’s goods, at around $50 billion.