Ipswich Council To Be Sacked

Laws will be implemented today to sack the entire Ipswich City Council after 15 people, including two former mayors, were charged with 86 corruption-related offences.

A Crime and Corruption Committee report released last week found the council's culture had deteriorated to the point where corruption was no longer recognised.

Council business will be taken over by administrators until the next government election in 2020.

Big Spending Queenslanders

Queenslanders had Australia’s strongest monthly spending in July despite what senior economists describe as “weak wage growth”.

According to Comm Sec economist, Ryan Felsman, Australians - and Queenslanders especially - are spending more due to the falling prices of goods and services.

In particular, the retail sector has experienced increased sales of up to 16.6 per cent over the past year, which is a record since 2006, before the last recession.

Cabinet Reshuffle Imminent

In ongoing national news, a cabinet reshuffle will likely occur after Malcolm Turnbull defeated Peter Dutton in a leadership spill, 48 votes to 35, and Dutton resigned from cabinet.

Despite the PM vacating all leadership positions, Julie Bishop was the only nomination for Deputy Prime Minister and retains her role.

Just yesterday Mr Turnbull said he had Mr Dutton's "absolute support".

Debts Potentially Waived for Students

The federal government is considering waiving the debts of students misled by private colleges under the VET FEE HELP scheme.

The decision comes after Fairfax Media revealed they had more than 5000 complaints from students who were issued loans without their knowledge.

It is expected that up to $1 billion of taxpayer funds will have to be repaid.

UN in Danger of Collapsing

The outgoing human rights chief Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein has warned that the UN is in danger of collapsing completely.

Al-Hussain has warned that China, France, The UK, Russia, and the US’s influence over the council leads to an unequal distribution of power within the UN.

Al-Hussain added that the inability to cooperate with other countries may lead to “horrific conflicts”.