Queensland hospitals prepare for online threats

Queensland Health is preparing to fight against cyber threats after hospital databases have been labelled a primary targets for hackers as they hold key information, including names, birth dates, addresses and contact details.

There are plans to roll out programs to protect against phishing, including employees being encouraged to report suspicious emails and enhanced capabilities to analyse and block threats.

Queensland Health spokesperson said their cyber security team is working proactively to prevent, detect and respond to attacks.

Man Fined 208,000 Euros for self-service checkout fraud

A German court has fined a 58-year-old man the equivalent of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars for deliberately scanning expensive purchases as cheaper products at the self service checkouts of his local supermarket.

Closer to home similar self service checkout fraud costs Australian retailers over four billion dollars a year.

Professor Larry Neale of the Queensland University of Technology’s business school said that this is a loss Australian businesses are often willing to absorb due to the reduction in labour costs brought about by automation.


Australian university campuses in Indonesia last roadblock to free trade deal

The Turnbull government is hopeful the free trade deal with Indonesia can be signed in mid-March during the Asean - Australia Special Summit in Sydney.

One of the remaining points of discussion is the ability for Australian universities to set up campuses in Indonesia and to allow Indonesian workers particularly nurses visas, to work in Australia.

Trade Minister Steve Ciobo said the quality of the agreement would not be sacrificed for speed as the deal nears completion.


Scientists use turkey sprints to determine dinosaur movements

The anatomy and movement of dinosaurs may be further uncovered after researcher’s have constructed running tracks to test how the weight of various large birds affect their movement whilst sprinting.

The test was used to devise an equation which will calculate how dinosaurs would have roamed the earth, as well as potentially concluding whether dinosaurs were cold-blooded or warm-blooded.

Disability support pension applicant numbers drop

Approximately sixty percent of the people who apply for the Disability Support Pension are being rejected due to changes in the eligibility criteria.

Changes now require applicants to prove their permanent disability prevents them from working more than 15 hours a week.

Despite this, the Disability Support Pension is still the largest and most expensive welfare payment, costing the Commonwealth over $16 billion a year.

Domestic violence in LGBTIQ couples under-reported

Domestic violence within the LGBTIQ community is being systematically under-reported in Queensland, according to activists.

The Queensland Government has provided $155,000 to create training services for frontline workers to better respond in these situations.

Phil Browne from the Brisbane LGBTIQ Action Group said there are still perceptions of homophobia within the Queensland Police Service after years of persecution over the Joh Bjelke-Petersen years.


Investigation into nursing home deaths continues

The investigation into five deaths at a Townsville nursing home between November 2015 and November 2016 continues.

Acting Queensland Premier Jackie Trad dismissed claims that the alleged misconduct is indicative of larger problems within the state’s aged care system.

The Federal Aged Care Complaints Commissioner is currently looking into whether the actions of the nursing home, which fired three nurses and a doctor were appropriate.


Over 90 Nigerian girls missing, post Boro Haram attack

Citizens have raised concerns, after over 90 Nigerian schoolgirls have allegedly disappeared following attacks from the Islamist insurgent group Boko Haram in the northeastern state of Yobe on Wednesday.

While President Muhammadu Buhari has dispatched his foreign and defence ministers to investigate the situation further, is it yet to be confirmed whether these disappearances are as a result of these attacks.