Pedestrians and cyclists battle for space on Victoria Bridge

Adequate shared space for pedestrians and cyclists on the Victoria Bridge is causing concern for the Brisbane City Council and Queensland Government with plans for the Brisbane Metro superbus project.

Plans show “The configuration of Victoria Bridge will be adjusted, with Brisbane Metro and bus services using the centre two lanes.”

However, sources suggest the upstream side may not be wide enough for both cyclists and pedestrians.

Palestinian teenager who slapped Israeli Soldier gains International Attention

A Palestinian teenager slapped an Israeli soldier and is gaining international attention


She is labelled by Israeli activists as a professional provocateur after pushing, shoving and slapping an Israeli soldier.


To Palestinians, the seventeen year old is a hero who stood up to armed Israeli soldiers, the incident was live streamed by her Mother on Facebook and went viral.

UN Committee for Torture has removed halt on Sri Lankan Asylum Seeker's Deportation

A Sri Lankan asylum seeker claimed to be a leader of the Tamil Tigers said he fears being tortured or killed if deported from Australia.


Forty-six year old San-Taru-Pan claimed he was the senior leader of the militant terrorist organisation who waged war against the Sri Lankan Government for more than twenty-five years.


The Australian Government rejected his refugee application and the UN committee against torture has withdrawn a request to halt his removal due to torture concerns.


Backlash against MP highlights lack of care, funding and abortion clinics in Tasmania

Backlash against Right-wing Labor MP Madeleine Ogilvie, highlighted the lack of abortion facilities, care and funding in Tasmania.


Ms Ogilvie recently removed her campaign posters from the windows of the former Hobart abortion clinic, which closed in December 2017, stating she never wished to upset anyone when the posters were put there.


Children with speech impairments flourishing in school

The Launch to School program, being introduced by the South Sydney Local Health District, will assist children with speech impairments as they enter primary school.


300 children have taken part in the program over the past two years, with a hope to expand and help overcome a hurdle faced by two hundred and 20,000 four year olds alone.


The unique combination of speech pathology and occupational therapy is helping children avoid social issues as they enter school and begin their learning.


Ipswich 'super dump' plans slammed by locals

Plans for the Ipswich ‘super dump’ have been slammed by Bundamba MP Jo-Ann Miller as it is “too close to houses” being located seven kilometres from Ipswich CBD and a three minute drive to surrounding residential areas.


Ipswich Residents Against Toxic Environments president Jim Dodrill says the construction and demolition waste facility would be among the largest dumps in Australia.


The landfill would take 15.7 million cubic metres of waste over eighteen years, which is enough to fill 6280 olympic swimming pools.


Life claimed by illness similar to Mad Cow Disease

A person has died on the Gold Coast after contracting a rare illness similar to Mad Cow Disease.  


Queensland Health was notified of the case of Creutzfeldt-Jakob and the patient was presented to the Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service.


A spokesman says the case was initially reported in 2017 with additional testing taking several months to complete.


Turnbull accused of ignoring new approach to Indigenous constitutional recognition

Malcolm Turnbull has been accused of ignoring a bipartisan approach to Indigenous constitutional recognition.


Western Australia Senator, Pat Dodson, accuses the Prime Minister of throwing out the approach after a new poll found 57% of voters support an Indigenous voice model.


Mr Dodson says the poll was “encouraging” and shows Malcolm Turnbull’s position was not shared by the public.