Mass student protest planned follow South Florida shooting

Students across America have planned to protest gun laws following the aftermath of the South Florida shooting last Wednesday by walking out of schools.

Organised across social media platforms, protests are planned for the coming weeks with one taking place on the anniversary of the Columbine High School Massacre.

The demands of these young voices hope to spark further action on gun laws in America.

Refugee mother will not be moved to better hospital conditions due to concern for her son

The Australian Border Force has refused to move a refugee with a serious heart condition to an adequate hospital because she won’t leave her son on Nauru.

Doctors have diagnosed her as having a high and imminent risk of heart attack, and there have been five requests for her to be medically transferred since September 2016.

The woman is concerned to leave her son for safety reasons, but Border Force will not allow him to go with her.

Federal Government aims to better protect the elderly this flu season

Two new and enhanced flu vaccines will be made available to people over the age of 65 this year following 2017’s horrific season for the illness.

Last year there were over 1,000 flu related deaths, with 90% of those over the age of 65.

The Federal Government has said it will provide the vaccines for free as early as April, in the hopes to better protect the elderly from flu season and has said it believes they will be much more effective.

Nationals MP George Christensen under fire following photo upload

Nationals MP George Christensen has come under fire after he posted a social media post threatening ‘Greenie Punks’.

Mr Christensen posted a photo of himself to Facebook, appearing to be holding a gun, with the caption "You gotta ask yourself, do you feel lucky, greenie punks?"

Greens leader Richard Di Natale has said he was disgusted by the post’s content, and as such has reported it to the Australian Federal Police for further investigation.

'Stymie' helping to uncover dangerous and illegal activity in Australian schools

Former Sunshine Coast teacher Rachel Downie’s anonymous website for children to report harmful behaviour has continued to uncover a number of dangerous and illegal activities at an alarming rate.

‘Stymie’ is a website that was started several years ago as a space for bystander children to speak up and report incidents without fear.

Over 100 Australian schools have joined up, with many principals regularly providing feedback that has detailed how the site has helped uncover self-harming clubs and other students who are suffering from mental health issues.

Drought conditions force graziers to consider early destocking

Graziers across Western Queensland have given up on seeing a wet season and have begun moving their cattle two months before the rains are estimated to finish.

Richard Simpson, a stock agent in Longreach, predicted that if there are no rains by the end of the summer the region will be entirely destocked, with graziers moving all cattle out of the area.

This early apprehension follows six failed wet seasons in the region, according to Mr Simpson, with many in the area having now given up on waiting for rain in late January.

Laneway @ The RNA Showgrounds

- I started my 2018 Laneway day in front of the colourfully badass Dream Wife. The English / Icelandic band looked liked they’d strode off the set of Kill Bill and brought a musical pedigree to  match. Leaning into the tuneful side of the more ferocious female punk outfits of yesteryear, their mixture of seductive vixen and stabby assassin worked really rather winningly on stage.

Lowtide: Southern Mind

- Shoegaze, atmos-pop, dream-rock – whatever your genre label of choice, it is guaranteed you will be set adrift to float on a billowing ocean of swirling saturating sound if you dive into the newest album from Melbourne outfit Lowtide.

OK Sure: Pleomorphism

- It speaks volumes of your connection to your craft when you can display the breadth of your influences in a manner that is focused and congruent; but it’s no easy feat. Particularly with DJs and electronic producers, the best always listen widely and select precisely, produce in a way that gleans from the past and forges the new. This is why Pleomorphism (which means the occurrence of more than one form in the life cycle of an animal) the debut album from Melbourne’s Ok Sure is of recognisable quality.