COVID-19 Mandate Implemented

The COVID-19 vaccine mandate begins today in Queensland, limiting the movements of unvaccinated citizens in certain venues. 

Under the mandates, unvaccinated people will not be permitted to dine in at hospitality venues but will be permitted to order takeaway.

Ipswich to Remove Pisasale's Name from Local Infrastructure

Ipswich City Council will remove the name of former mayor Paul Pisasale from two pieces of local infrastructure, after a vote last week.

Pisasale was already serving a two year term for extortion when he was sentenced to a further 7 and a half years jail on 30 other charges including fraud, official corruption, perjury and two counts of sexual assault.

Refugees Released from BITA

Two refugees were released yesterday from the Brisbane Immigration Transit Authority after eight years in detention. 

This release follows the release of two refugees in Melbourne earlier this week and the release of a-hundred-and-eighty-eight refugees in Australia since December 2020.

NSW River to be Known by its Traditional Name

A New South Wales river has been dual named with its Aboriginal name and the name given to it by white settlers.

The river that has been known as the Macquarie river for the past two hundred years will now be officially recognised by its Wiradjuri name of Wambuul.

Bathurst Local Aboriginal Land Council Chief Executive Tonilee Scott says:

Wax Espresso

Sunshine Coast based record collector & Record Fair organiser, Mark Grounds, & his award winning Barista wife, Cara Madden, have opened WAX ESPRESSO: a coffee shop & record store situated in Maroochydore's entertainment precinct.

They boast a wide range of both new & vintage vinyl, with thousands of records in store across every genre.
As well as serving award winning specialty coffee, they also offer delicious food including local vegan & gluten free treats.