PM will travel to Queensland despite being identified as causal contact

Scott Morrison will travel to Queensland today despite being identified as a casual contact of a person with COVID-19 after his attendance at a Sydney high school graduation. 

The Morrison government has confirmed that Queensland authorities passed  Morrison’s travel as safe. 

Childhood trauma linked to psychotic symptoms in young cannabis users

A recent study conducted by the University of Queensland has found a potential link between victims of childhood trauma experiencing psychotic symptoms through cannabis use. 

The trial explored responses from over 2,000 young people aged 16-25 including their use of cannabis, history of childhood trauma, psychotic-like experiences, and subjective effects when using cannabis.

Tourism chiefs push NT government to ease restrictions during Christmas

Tourism chiefs want the Northern Territory government to ease strict rules for visitors and residents, which they say will ruin Christmas for tour operators and others in the industry. 

Among other regulations, the NT government wants vaccinated people to remain in approved high-vaccination zones for 14 days on arrival in NT.

Scallop fisheries in WA closed from heatwave

Scallop fisheries in Western Australia’s Abrolhos islands will not be operating this season due to the effects of a marine heatwave earlier in the year. 

Scallop populations have been heavily impacted by the three degree celsius increase in water temperature, with the effects of reproduction being felt almost immediately by the scallops’ short lifespan.

Explosion in Haiti's North

An explosion in Haiti’s North has killed over 50 people and left dozens injured, amidst a national fuel shortage and increased petrol prices.

The gasoline truck exploded late Tuesday afternoon in the city of Cap-Haitien, with residents flocking to the streets to scoop remaining petrol into buckets.

Queensland's vaccination record

Queensland has hit a new vaccination record with over 62,000 jabs in one day, beating the previous record by more than 3,000.

At this stage, 81.3 per cent of Queenslanders are fully vaccinated, with vaccination rates in border communities such as the Gold Coast doubling in the past 24 hours.