A New Zealand man has had over 10 Covid vaccinations in one day

The New Zealand Health Authorities are investigating claims the man visited multiple vaccine clinics and was paid to get the vaccine on behalf of other people. 

Covid-19 vaccinations and immunisation spokesperson Astrid Koorneef says “To assume another person’s identity and receive a medical treatment is dangerous… this could affect how their health is managed in the future.”


Council to change racist name of local creek

Longreach regional council is moving to change the currently racist name of a local creek. 

The creek will be renamed to Watyakan Creek which pays tribute to those who historically camped near it. 

Local Kerry Thompson says “these names have been offensive and derogatory to all Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander people.” 

Some retailers are raising concerns as the vaccine mandate will take effect on Friday

From the 17th unvaccinated Queenslanders will not be permitted into venues like theatres, pubs, clubs, restaurants and cafes. 

National Retailers association CEO Dominique Lamb said they had already seen a rise in anti-social behaviour, with one franchisee having been pushed down a set of escalators, for asking a customer for proof of vaccination.