Corin: Araw

<p><span><span>- I’m afraid of <strong>Corin Ileto</strong>. The heavy drones, metallic ringing percussion, sweeping airy textures, dizzying panning, tectonic bass. I genuinely felt fear when I heard the first strains of her new joint <em>Araw</em>; And it’s not just because she’s a scarily good producer.</span></span></p>

Birdz: Legacy

<p><span><span>- The last couple of years have had set-backs aplenty, for everyone. It must really have been a bit infuriating for Birdz though, to have his biggest ever hit <em>Bagi-la-m Bargan</em>, just as the nation headed into lockdown. A proud Butchulla man, <strong>Nathan Bird</strong> is no stranger to adversity, the largest part of his back catalogue is a record of the struggles he, his family, his people have faced, to even be here today.

Brisbane Olympic Swimmer Madeline Groves Reveals she was sexually abused by coach from age 13

Brisbane Olympic Swimmer Madeline Groves has revealed in an interview on ABC yesterday that she was sexually abused from the age of 13 by a person who still works in the sport. 

It comes after the swimmer withdrew from the Tokyo Olympic Trials in June accusing leading coaches in the sport of misconduct and a culture of ‘misogyny and perversion’ in the sport.

QLD Greens MP Calls for inquiry into Facebook posts allegedly by Queensland prison officers call for violence against ‘maggot’ inmates

QLD Greens MP Michael Berkman has filed a complaint in regards to a number of ‘deeply concerning’ social media posts allegedly made by QLD prison officers. 

Victoria Police Launch Specialist Unit to investigate cases of family violence involving its employees

In an Australian first, Victoria Police has launched a specialist unit to investigate serious cases of family violence involving its employees following the recommendation of the Royal Commission into Family Violence. 

Traditional Owners Challenge Construction of Nuclear Waste Dump South Australia's Eyre Peninsula

Traditional owners on South Australia's Eyre Peninsula are preparing to challenge the decision to build a nuclear waste dump on their land. 

Last week, the Federal Government determined the national radioactive waste storage facility would be built at Napandee, a property near Kimba. 

France Sends Additional Security Forces to Quell Protests Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates in Guadeloupe and Martinique

France is sending additional security forces to the French Caribbean island of Guadeloupe. Protesters in Guadeloupe and neighboring Martinique have erected barricades and blocked roads this month as anger mounted over an order also in place in mainland France requiring health workers to be vaccinated against COVID-19.