Queensland rejects tradition owner's application to stop work at cultural site

Traditional Owners have expressed their disappointment over the Queensland’s government’s decisions to reject their application for a stop work order at a significant cultural site. 

Seven Wangan and Jagalignou Traditional Owners had requested the government investigate a potential breach of the Queensland Cultural Heritage Act, alleging that the artefacts were unlawfully distributed by the Carmicheal project site. 

Oyster growers' rising concerns amidst La Nina season

Oyster growers in northern New South Wales fear they will not be able to meet the high demand for their product this christmas and new year’s period amidst the La Nina season. 

A majority of oyster farms have been closed by authorities for more than a week already due to consistent rainfall affecting salinity levels in rivers and lakes. 

Call for more regulations surrounding pollution of waterways at coal fired power stations

Environmental groups are calling for more regulations surrounding pollution of waterways from coal fired power stations in Victoria’s Latrobe valley.

Large quantities of excess coal ash is stored in dams at the power plants to prevent damage to the atmosphere, however recent research has shown the effects coal ash leaching can have on local waterways.

Afghans unable to access UK help due to 'bureaucratic chaos'

Tens of thousands of Afghans have been unable to access UK help following the fall of kabul because of turmoil and confusion in the foreign office. 

A former diplomat has claimed bureaucratic chaos, ministerial intervention and lack of planning in the department led people vulnerable at the hands of the taliban. 

Entangled whale gives birth

A North Atlantic Right Whale has given birth while entangled in fishing line off the coast of Georgia in the United States. 

The whale has been known to wildlife conservationists for some time, however they have been unable to free it from the rope without further injuring it.

UQ study discovers human ancestors had increased resistance to snakes venom

Researchers with the University of Queensland have discovered the last common ancestor between humans and apes had an increased resistance to large amounts of snake venom.

The study focused on African and Asian primates and their abilities to survive snake bites, by exposing synthetic neuroreceptors to various types of venom.

Australian Army Battalion suspected of 'unacceptable behaviour'

The Australian Army’s Seventh Battalion in Adelaide is currently under investigation for alleged “unacceptable behaviour.”

While the Army is yet to release details of the allegations at this stage, the new investigation has been launched by the Inspector-General of the Australian Defence Force, following an internal investigation into claims of racial slurs and denials of justice earlier this year.