Queensland's increased fines for 'spiting, coughing and sneezing'

The Queensland government will introduce increased fines for people who threaten to spit, cough, or sneeze on hospitality workers ahead of the new restrictions for unvaccinated citizens.

The new restrictions in place from the 17th of December will see unvaccinated Queenslanders banned from entering hospitality venues, including pubs, clubs, and cafes.

Protests against demolition of 'Bowlo'

A small group of local artists have gathered in King George Square to protest the demolition of the East Brisbane Bowls club to make way for an extended riverside green space.

More affectionately known as the ‘Bowlo,’ the East Brisbane Bowls Club has served has the home of Backbone Youth Arts for over thirty years, operating as a launchpad for young Brisbane artists. 

Barrister Tony McAvoy sworn in as Northern Territory's Acting Treaty Commissioner

Australia’s most senior Aboriginal barrister Tony McAvoy is today expected to be appointed the role of Acting Treaty Commissioner in the Northern Territory. 

Mr McAvoy who is a Wirdi man from central Queensland, will take the role which has been vacant since the middle of the year, when Mick Dodson resigned following allegations he verbally abused a woman. 

Stop Adani protests in Sydney

Stop Adani protestors in Sydney have unfurled a large banner on the BlackRock building, urging the company to withdraw their investments used to fund Adani’s controversial Carmichael Mine.

The demonstration comes after last week protestors staged an indoor cricket match in the foyer of the State Bank of India’s office, which is another one of Adani’s biggest investors. 

Regular Gonzales: Beige Alert

<p><span><span>- For a band always on the watch for shorts at gigs, Regular Gonzales<strong> </strong>don’t seem particularly keen on small things. The sheer weight of their music has you scratching your head as to how a three piece can combine to birth such a bulky, beautiful, behemoth. Maybe that point is akin to a Zen Koan and the more you dwell on it, the less you can enjoy what’s around you. What’s around you when you’re listening to <em>Biege Alert </em>is an abundance of bouncy grooves displayed with self-assured gravity.

e4444e: Autumnal Eve

<p><span><span>- E4’s intricate songwriting is apparent right from the first few tracks of his new record, <em>Autumnal Eve</em>. <em>Lightning Bolt</em>, a meditative slow burn, opens quietly, with a rustic, folky sensibility, before larger instrumentation swells from the song’s emotional core. Though the song grows in complexity, it never feels overburdened. <em>Blank Blue May</em> captures this transition in scope.

Converge & Chelsea Wolfe: Bloodmoon I

<p><span><span>- There’s a red moon rising. In fact it’s been shedding a baleful glare across us for a while, since as far back as 2016, when Converge &amp; Chelsea Wolfe, performing under the moniker Bloodmoon, first had a go at performing some revamped Converge material for the <strong>Roadburn</strong> festival over in the Netherlands. It was a meeting very well received by the assembled hordes of heavy music aficionados and so, everyone involved decided to take it further.