Free menstrual products for people experiencing period poverty under new draft legislation in ACT

The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) could become the first jurisdiction in Australia to make menstrual products free for people experiencing period poverty, under draft legislation to be released on Wednesday. 

The Period Products (Access) Bill, would require the territory government to provide period products free of charge at designated locations. 

UN warns AAT backlog could reduce trust in the country's asylum seeker program

The United Nations High Commission for Refugees has warned Australia’s Administrative Appeals Tribunal its processing backlog could reduce trust in the country’s asylum seeker program. 

The UN’s warning further outlined the issues of the asylum seeker system, in which asylum seekers often have to wait years for their claims to be resolved. 

Australian disability service provider apologises after incidents of violence and abuse

One of Australia’s biggest disability service providers has apologised after incidents of violence, abuse and neglect in two of its group homes. 

‘Life without barriers’ which operates disability services around Australia and New Zealand with revenue at $750 million last year, fronted the disability royal commission to answer questions yesterday after four days of evidence from residents and their families. 

Deputy PM Baranby Joyce says Julian Assange should not be extradited

A UK court has cleared WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s extradition to the United States to face espionage charges.

Assange is wanted by the US for publishing military documents in 2010, after which he fled to the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, before being transferred to Belmarsh Prison where he has spent the last two years. 

Pentagon will not discipline US troops over deadly drone strike

The Pentagon says it will not discipline any US troops over a drone strike which killed 10 civilians including seven children in Kabul in August. 

The US has already admitted the attack, which came as foreign forces tried to evacuate Kabul airport during the Taliban takeover, as a ‘tragic mistake’.