Flooding has killed 350 in Southern India

It is estimated that 800,000 people have been displaced and 350 have died in the Kerala State of India. The natural disaster is described as the "worst flooding in a century", according to government officials. The floods began on August 8, where downpours triggered landslides. Over 4,000 relief camps were provided, with thousands still waiting to be rescued. 

Emergency Services reveal is it “too late to leave homes” in Rural NSW Bushfires

Residents in the New South Wales and Hunter Region have been told by emergency services that it is now too late to leave the fire-stricken area, as bushfires have now spread out of control. 

The fire has been burning towards rural properties in the area, where residents have now been advised to take shelter in solid ground.

The fire began in the town of Ellangowan and broke containment lines, spreading throughout the region. 

Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton considering challenging Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

Supporters of Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton are advocating for challenging Prime Ministser Malcolm Turnbull in a leadership battle.

They claim that Dutton would have the numbers to win, due to the conflict within Mr Turnbull's energy policy, as well as his negative ratings in recent polls. 

Peter Dutton has reportedly spent the weekend conferring with Liberal MPs to discuss his views regarding the Prime Minister. 

Developers have received $11 Million in infrastructure reductions for the Australian Taxpayer

It has been revealed that more than $11 million in infrastructure charge reductions have been given to the Brisbane City Council developers over the past three years. 

Lord Mayor Graham Quirk claims that the rates had to increase due to the 'significant decline' in revenue. 

Councillor Quirk outlined that the revenue from Brisbane infrastructure was around $100 million in the 2018-19 and 2019-20 financial years. 

Hay From Western Australia transported to Queensland Farmers

Rural Aid has secured 2000 tonnes and over 2000 barrels that will be transferred to Queensland and New South Wales farmers over the month of August as it secures more resources to fight the current drought. 

The Buy a Bale program has moved hundreds of bales of hay to famers in towns such as Broken Hill, Bakers Creek  and Texas.

Rural Aid CEO Charles Alder has outlined the distribution of over 6000 over the past 6 months, however there is much more available from hay donations from everyday Australians. 

12 year old asylum seeker continues hunger strike

A 12-year-old asylum seeker is reaching the two-week mark of his hunger strike in the Nauru Detention Centre.

A spokesperson for the Refugee Action Coalition Ian Rintoul said the boy is only receiving nutrients from intravenous fluids.

The boy has been admitted to the International Health and Medical Services Clinic on the island.