Australian Officials Visit Assange in London

In a surprise to many, two Australian officials were seen visiting Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London for the first time in 6 years.

A member of Assange’s legal team, Jennifer Robison said that she could confirm that Assange met with Australian government representatives yesterday.

There is no word yet on the nature of the meeting, however, the Ecuadorian embassy has been pressuring Assange to leave by cutting off his internet and phone connection six weeks ago.

Brisbane Council looks to ‘Protect the Brisbane backyard’


Brisbane City Council has created action plans to stop unit complexes and townhouses from being built in single home areas as apart of the ‘Plan Your Brisbane’ campaign.

Lord Mayor Graham Quirk said that the plans come in direct response to feedback from Brisbane residents and wanting to ‘protect the Brisbane backyard.’

Opposition planning member, Jared Cassidy, said that the plan is a $3 million dollar rate-payer rip-off.