Wild dog puppies threaten Australian livestock

Wild dogs puppies have increased survival rates and are threatening Australian farmers livestock


Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries senior zoologist Lee Allen says that leaders of the dog packs conventionally controlled population growth, however there has been a recent change with more puppies surviving their adolescence.


National wild dog facilitator Greg Mifsud said the change in behaviour may be because of better conditions for the dogs, with more livestock available for them to take down.

There's a slipper in my snake?

A snake has swallowed a man’s shoe after mistaking it for food.


A Brisbane man was searching for his missing slipper when he found a python in his house a few days later.

Surgery was then performed at Greencross Jindalee Veterinary Clinic to have the slipper removed.

More measles cases on Brisbane trains

Rail commuters be warned, there have been three confirmed cases of the measles on train lines this month.


The latest case involved a man who didn’t know he was infected, traveling on the 8:31am train from Enoggera to Roma Street on Tuesday.


Metro North Hospital and Health Service is urging anyone who was in those areas at the same time to be aware of possible measles symptoms.

Caroline No: Swimmers

- I want to say that Caroline No sound ageless, but that’s kind of lazy. What I really mean is that they sound like all sorts of different ages at once, almost a life flashing, albeit slowly, languidly, before your eyes. Perhaps the most faintly complimentary I can be is to say that indie-rock royalty Caroline Kennedy sounds more fresh and youthful than I’d ever have expected.

The Voidz: Virtue

- The Strokes were undoubtedly one of the most fashionable and photogenic bands of the noughties, tastefully accompanying their perfect cheekbones with one of the great rock debut albums Is This It? way back in 2001. Not everything they’ve done since matches this masterful record, but by the same token their career has proven them to be far from one-trick ponies.

New survey reveals Venus has highly active planetary crust

Venus has a highly active planetary crust according to new surveys on the planet’s surface.

Venus was previously thought to only have a solid lid crust that did not move and this was thought to be one of the reasons Venus does not sustain life.

Researchers said, however, that Venus does not have tectonic plates in the way earth does; if Earth’s continents are like drifting iceberg, then Venus’s crust would be a sea of small pack ice.

Australia called on to boost aid to Yemen

Australia is being urged to boost aid for Yemen as thousands of civilians starve in the fourth year of the civil war.

Oxfam Australia’s humanitarian Policy Advisor, Dr Nicole Bierke, said the situation in the middle eastern nation is critical and more financial aid is needed from countries such as Australia to provide food and water.

Australia provided $20 million in humanitarian funding to Yemen last year but Bierke said more is needed with 22 million in need of aid due to blockades enforced by Saudi Arabia.

Aboriginal flag flown at Anzac Hill after more than a decade of debate

The Aboriginal flag is finally being flown at Anzac Hill after more than a decade of debate.

Anzac Hill’s red earth, inspired the design for the Aboriginal flag, and supporters have been lobbying the local council to fly the flag at the sacred site and military memorial.

Councillor, Catherine Satour, raised the motion and said it is a very proud moment which will assist in strengthening community relations and closing the divide.

Welfare reform package passes Australian parliament

A welfare reform package has just passed Australian parliament which includes harsher penalties for people who fail to meet job-seeking obligations.

The changes for the legislation means people will no longer be able to use drug and alcohol dependence as a reasonable excuse for not meeting obligations, and wait times for unemployment payments will be increased.