Sunshine Coast pilates instructor helping tradies ad men recover

A Sunshine Coast pilates instructor has started a pilates program to help tradies recover and rebuild their damaged bodies.

Research from the 2019 Tradies Health Survey reveals sixty percent of tradies often have aches and pains because of their job, and make up sixteen percent of Australians reporting back pain.

Easing restrictions for returning QLD residents

On Saturday, the mandate for no Queensland residents re-entering or people relocating from Covid interstate hotspots will ease slightly, with fifty rooms becoming available.

Chief Health officer Jeanette Young said around three thousand people are hoping to enter Queensland and priority will be given to those approved for early entry.

UK Foreign Secretary says Kabul evacuation flights might continue

The UK’s Foreign Secretary Domonic Raab said evacuation flights from Afghanistan could resume in the near future when the Kabul International airport reopens.

Raab said the UK will not recognise the Taliban anytime soon but they must engage with the militant group to ensure UK nationals and Afghan allies can leave.

Older Australians largest cohort recieving JobSeeker payments

The latest figures show fifty five to sixty four year olds are the largest cohort currently receiving JobSeeker payments, despite outperforming their younger peers.

Research provided by MAX Solutions reveals thirty percent of employers are reluctant to hire older workers even though they often have more experience in vital skills like conflict resolution, management and mediation.