Scott Morrison denies military base investment is to send China a message

Prime Minister Scott Morrison denies claims that a major investment in military bases in northern Australia is aimed at sending China a message. 

Northern Territory defence facilities will receive a $747 million upgrade as part of $8 billion allocated to military infrastructure in northern Australia in the next decade. 

Ferny Grove and Upper Kedron residents demand better public transport

Ferny Grove and Upper Kedron residents are calling on authorities to provide better access to public transport and infrastructure. 

The forecast 865 homes in Ellendale and population growth in the area over the past 10 years has left residents with little new infrastructure to support the growth. 

South African Presidents says his party could have done more to stop state corruption

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa says his governing party could have done more to halt state corruption, under his predecessor, Joseph Zuma.

Ramaphosa, who was Zuma’s deputy president from 2014 until 2018, acknowledged the party failed to stop Zuma’s abuse of power and misappropriation of resources. 

China advises Australia to abandon 'cold war mentality'

Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian has called certain Australian politicians “troublemakers” and has advised them to abandon their cold war mentalities. 

"As a country that has long benefited from cooperation with China, it is unethical for Australia to hype a 'China threat' theory, nor is the allegation consistent with facts ... It will end up hurting itself," he said.