Hello Satellites; There's A Field

<p><span><span>- The last couple of years has provided an uncomfortable context for all the music of the time. Whether quietly suffering or defiantly optimistic, every record is like a letter from the inside, a missive from an invisible prison. Some of us, however, have been captive for longer than this. Unseen chains reach back into the past, a cage that other people are only just discovering.

Kuzu: The Glass Delusion

<p><span><span>- Kuzu is a Chicago-based free jazz trio consisting of saxophonist <strong>Dave Rempis</strong>, Bhutan-born guitarist <strong>Tashi Dorji</strong>, and percussionist <strong>Tyler Damon</strong>. The trio was formed after Rempis worked with each of Dorji and Damon individually across a 2017 tour, although Dorji and Damon have released three crushing, noisy improv albums, as well as a couple of live albums, collaborating as a duo since 2015.

Unions demand clarity on aged care and disability support workers vaccine rollout

Unions are demanding clarity on the vaccine plan for aged care and disability support workers from the government. 

The Australian Council of Trade Unions Assistant Secretary Liam O’Brien says these workers are the last healthcare workers in the country to be vaccinated and need answers.