Australian Race Discrimination Commissioner proposes plan for national anti-racism framework

Australia’s Race Discrimination Commissioner Chin Tan proposed a new national anti-racism framework on Wednesday. 

The federal government’s funding for anti-racism initiatives ended in 2015. The Australian Human Rights Commission has covered the issue since. 

Wide shark is the friend we need

A paper published in the journal Science revealed the existence of a shark that was wider than it was long thanks to its long wing-like fins. Named the Aquilolamna milarcae It boasted a wingspan of 1.9 metres and likely glided through the water filter-feeding on plankton.

The shark lived from 93 million years ago until an extinction event 66 million years ago led to a decline in plankton in the oceans.

Flinders University palaeontologist John Long said the discovery shows the awesome plasticity of evolution in response to food sources. 

Rights for the Moon

An Australian led initiative has published a document called the Declaration on the Rights of the Moon. The Declaration calls for the Moon to be regarded as "a sovereign natural entity in its own right” by giving it legal personhood, following real life examples like the Whanganui river in New Zealand, or the Atrato River basin in Colombia. 

New STI clinic opened in Mackay

The Mackay Hospital and Health Service opened a new free testing clinic for STIs. 

This initiative has been developed because the central Queensland region recorded its highest ever yearly numbers of gonorrhea and chlamydia in 2021, despite the ongoing pandemic.