The U.S. to start vaccination this week

The most ambitious vaccination campaign is U.S. history has start this week after the coronavirus vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNtech was approved by drug regulators.

This weekend, 2.9 million doses of the vaccine traveled by plane and guarded truck from facilities in Michigan and Wisconsin to designated locations, mostly hospitals, in all 50 states.

Washington Demonstration ends in violence

Four people have been left in critical condition following a fight that broke out between Trump demonstrators and counter-protesters  in Washington DC on Saturday. 

Trump supporters were marching the streets of DC to show their support following a supreme Court ruling on Friday that rejected a lawsuit seeking to overturn the election results in four states. 

The PACER Plus to enter into force

The Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations Plus (PACER Plus) entered into force yesterday for Australia, Cook Islands, Kiribati, New Zealand, Niue, Samoa, Solomon Islands and Tonga. 

Agriculture Minister David Littleproud said the agreement brings more opportunities for Australian farmers and would forge greater shared regional prosperity.

Survey Reveals Australian's are unaware of how to attend to venomous injuries

A new survey by pharmaceutical company Seqirus has revealed that many Australians are unaware of what to do in the event of a bite or sting from a venomous creature. 

Despite 79% of participants stating they would know what to do, only 49% could identify the correct first aid procedure for a snake bite.

The Avalanches: We Will Always Love You

<p><span><span>- The Avalanches are something of an anomaly in the world of sample-fuelled composition; a genuine mystique surrounds the Melbournians in a way that is somewhat unusual in the largely character-less world of electronic music. From seemingly out of nowhere came their seismic debut <em>Since I Left You</em> back in 2000. A few remixes aside, this was followed by a radio silence only broken by 2016’s psychedelic extravaganza <em>Wildflower</em>.

Dust Storm Jogger: P.M.O.S.D.

<p><span><span>- Over my years since joining Zed, I have found myself slowly but surely sucked into the pulsating underground electronic scene of Brisbane. Through countless gigs, I have found my own definition of the genre constantly challenged with many new acts stopping me in my tracks and making me say <em>“Wow, I didn’t know electronic could do that”.