Coles, Sally Pearson and Usain Bolt join forces to encourage schools to get active

Ipswich schools have an opportunity to share in millions of dollars' worth of sports gear as part of a new competition run by supermarkets.

For every $10 spent at Coles, customers will receive one Sports for Schools voucher to go in the running for their school to win more than 800 items of quality sports gear.

World Champion athletes Sally Pearson and Usain Bolt joined forces to encourage schools to sign up to the program and help kids get active.

Advocacy group pushes for euthenasia legalisation

Queensland’s largest Euthanasia advocacy group have attempted to survey local politicians in a push to bring assisted dying onto the states agenda.

Dying with Dignity Queensland are intending to survey Queensland MP’s on their positions on assisted dying, with the intention of bringing talk of voluntary euthanasia into the national diaslogue and normalising it’s political discussion.

The group renewed their efforts after Euthanasia was legalised in Victoria last year, proclaiming eighty percent of the public currently support the proposed changes.

Australia to make the top 10 arms exporters

Malcolm Turnbull unveiled a new defence policy and strategy that aims to make Australia one of the top 10 arms exporters within the next decade.

The policy is aimed to create more jobs for Australians, but the plan has been criticised by World Vision Australia’s chief advocate Tim Costello, who said that we would be “exporting death and profiting from bloodshed”.

Priority markets that have been identified for Australian arms exports include the Middle East, the Indo-Pacific region, Europe and North America.

Suicide bombing in Kabul kills hundreds

A suicide bombing has killed nearly one hundred people in Afghanistan on Saturday afternoon.

A member of the Taliban drove an ambulance rigged with explosives into a crowded metropolitan area in the capital of Kabul, outside foreign embassies and government offices.  

The blast killed 95 people and injured 158 others.

Russian opposition leader arrested amid protests

Russian police arrested the country’s opposition leader after he organised and joined nationwide protests demanding more democratic presidential elections.

Opposition leader, Alexei Navalny, shared a series of tweets over the weekend showing the police raiding his Moscow office before arresting him at the protests.

President Putin is expected to win another six-year term as president in March, however Navalny’s supporters hope the election will be undermined by a low voter turnout.

NSW farmers question government drought strategy

Parts of New South Wales have experienced the worst drought in recent years.

In the Upper Hunter Valley region, farmers have said it’s been over a year since their properties have received any decent rainfall, and are openly sceptical of the government's new drought measures.

In 2015 a new multi million dollar drought management scheme was announced to help provide financial support for farmers, but locals are claiming that the increased red tape has left things harder than ever.

Palaszczuk Government pushes to prioritise cyberbullying

Queensland Premier Anastasia Palaszczuk vowed to tackle cyberbullying, following the death of a 14-year-old Northern Territory girl earlier this month.

Palaszczuk said she will be discussing the issue with her cabinet, before creating strategies to take to the Council of Australian Governments at a meeting in early February.

LNP deputy leader Tim Mander said that the Opposition backs Palaszczuk’s push to prioritise cyberbullying as he says the issue has gone “beyond politics”.

Robots help make Brisbane hospital best in the business

After carrying out more than a thousand successful procedures, a Brisbane hospital was named a centre of excellence in robotic surgery.

Robots in the Wesley Hospital allow doctors to perform precise and delicate procedures with greater ease.

Michael Kridge, General Manager of The Wesley said the hospital “wants to provide Queenslanders with what is the best technology - and the best centre in Australia”