National Day of Action for Refugees - Kangaroo Point June 13/14

Protesters were emotional at a National Day of Action for refugees outside a detention centre in Kangaroo Point yesterday.

They gathered in solidarity with 120 refugees and asylum seekers detained inside Kangaroo Point Central Hotel, who have been protesting their conditions from the hotel balcony for months.

Activists and detainees addressed the crowd through a PA system set up on Main Street.

Revolution in 3D Printing Technology in Medicine

Bella Schwarzenecker speaks with Dr. Michael Wagels, the deputy director of plastic and reconstructive surgery at Princess Alexandra Hospital, about the revolution of 3D printing within the medical field. 

Thanks to this technology, a Brisbane man, Brodie Ellis, has been able to regrow his own bone after a near-fatal accident that left him severely injured.

Interview: Sam Watson Jr.

As protests continue in the US following the police killing of unarmed black man George Floyd, a solidarity rally will be held in Brisbane this afternoon.

The Black Lives Matter protest hopes to show solidarity with the US demonstrators, but also highlight the continued injustices Indigenous Australians suffer at the hands of police. Earlier this week, 4ZZZ reporter Lillian Rangiah spoke to Sam Watson Jr, a proud Wanggeriburra and Birra Gubba person and one of the protest organisers.

Compassion in COVID: what Psychological Impacts do we Experience in a Pandemic

4ZZZ reporter Ben Steele spoke with Dr Stan Steindl, the adjunct associate professor of the UQ School of Psychology about the COVID-19 pandemic’s psychological impact. Dr Steindl also told us of his multinational study on Compassion, social connectedness and trauma resilience during this pandemic.

[Image: pixabay\StockSnap]

"What are Clouds Made of?" with Doctor Stacey Hitchcock

4ZZZ reporter Brittney sat down for a chat about clouds, with meteorologist and researcher from the University of Melbourne, Doctor Stacey Hitchcock. Dr Hitchcock is also a member of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes. 

Clouds often flow by without much notice, but have you ever wondered what they’re made of? And, how do researchers find out what clouds are doing without ever leaving the ground? 

[Image: pixabay/Free-Photos]