West Papua series - from 1969 vote aka “Act of No Choice” to present (Part 2 of 4)

You may have heard of West Papua, now part of Indonesia, in their striving for self-determination.  However do you know how West Papua arrived in its conflict? ...or our northern neighbour’s history?
4ZZZ's Eliot Rifkin continues the exploration of West Papua's history with Professor Clinton Fernandes (University of NSW) in the second part of a 4 part series.

Insecticide concoctions winding their way into our waterways

Farmers often battle insects to assure their crop yields. Have you ever thought of the toxic mixture of these various insecticides along with mosquito sprays winding their way into our waterways?

4ZZZ's Eliot Rifkin chatted about the Insecticide concoctions draining into the Great Barrier Reef with UQ’s School of Earth and Environmental Sciences researcher Associate Professor Michael Warne

West Papua series - from Dutch colonialism to Indonesian control (Part 1 of 4)

You may have heard of West Papua, now part of Indonesia, in their striving for self-determination.  However do you know how West Papua arrived in its conflict? ...or our northern neighbour’s history?

4ZZZ's Eliot Rifkin explores West Papua's history with Professor Clinton Fernandes (University of NSW) in the first part of a 4 part series.

Mental health concerns with online learning for students

The quick turn to online learning as a result of Covid-19 surprised students in the first semester of 2020. Different schools used different online learning programs to handle the new learning landscape and provide normality for students but that could not stop the rise in mental health concerns for students at this time.

4ZZZ reporter Cat Gardiner speaks to QUT medical centre’s clinical psychologist Chris Hepperlin about the mental health concerns with online learning as well as hearing a few personal experiences from local grade 12 students.

Our native wildlife needs your help with movement solutions

Do you know of some of the recent local solutions for wildlife movement? Development is always the bane of wildlife, however if handled with responsible planning there are ways to co-exist.

An opportunity to voice wildlife movement solutions in the development of the Eastern Transitway - **Deadline for community feedback Sunday 12th July**  

Does studying humanities at university make you employable?

The Federal Education Minister, Dan Tehan, last month announced a restructuring of fees for undergraduate degrees at universties.

The changes mean future university students will have to pay more to study a degree in the field of humanities. 4ZZZ reporter Jeremy Cook speaks to Susan Forde from Griffith University to address some of the concerns surrounding these changes.

When our helpers need help: Telehealth

The Coronavirus has impacted a countless number of businesses across the corporate marketplace. Australia has born witness to company closures, economic loss and job uncertainty.

During this global pandemic, health establishments have appeared to be the booming industry. But behind closed doors, our local doctors are amongst those most struggling. So, what do we do when our helpers need help?

Bella Schwarzenecker reports.