Managing tree weeds' effect on our environment

We’re aware of the impact of introduced animals like cane toads and their effect on our native frogs, however have you realised there's introduced trees pushing out our native plants as well as having a rippling effect on animal populations like koalas?

4ZZZ's Eliot Rifkin chatted with University of Queensland’s Ciara O’Brien about the huge tree pest Celtis (aka Chinese Elm) as well as a new method to manage them.

Undiagnosed diabetes and co-morbidity in the age of Covid19

We now know that compromised health poses a greater risk factor in the severity of Covid-19 disease. However, some people are unaware they’re at risk and have undiagnosed conditions like diabetes.  

Do you know the symptoms of diabetes or what causes it?

We chatted with University of Queensland’s Dr Kirsty Short about all things diabetes and preventative health care as well as a new research study they are conducting and… they’re looking for candidates.

West Papua series - Transmigration | Environmental Impact (Part 3 of 4)

You may have heard of West Papua, now part of Indonesia, in their striving for self-determination.  However do you know how West Papua arrived in its conflict? ...or our northern neighbour’s history?

4ZZZ's Eliot Rifkin continues the exploration of West Papua's history with Jim Elmslie (West Papua Project at the Department for Peace and Conflict Studies / University of Sydney) in the third part of a 4 part series.

What is the flu and various vaccine delivery methods

Is it an urban myth, if you get the Flu shot… then you’ll get the flu?  Did you know there are different vaccine delivery methods and they are trialed differently?  

4ZZZ reporter Eliot Rifkin had a live chat with Dr Ian Mackay a virologist affiliated with UQ’s Child Health Research Centre at the School of Medicine about all things flu.