Northern Quolls our ‘native cat’ lives like a fruit fly

Do you know much about our native cat - the quoll… whose males die immediately after their mating season?

Eliot Rifkin chatted about the Northern Quoll with Pietro Viacava a PhD candidate from the University of Queensland who led a study comparing Northern Quoll skulls across a 5000-kilometre range in a quest exploring how they’re adapting (or not) in very different environments.

Hmmm, why skulls you may think?…  and why the Northern Quoll… listen and find out.

Do you know how to care for your hearing health?

Many of us are aware of occasionally checking our eyes or teeth, but do you ever think of your hearing health?

Lot’s of us here at 4ZZZ radio are musicians or 'Live Music' enthusiasts. Do you know how to protect your hearing or if it’s getting damaged?

4ZZZ's Eliot Rifkin chatted about your hearing health with Safak Durmaz, an Audiologist with Connect Hearing.


TPR Interview - Peter Greste

The Palaszczuk government proposed a new bill around the reporting of CCC Investigations during election periods that included hefty fines and gaol time for anyone who reported on either allegations or proceedings of an ongoing investigation.

Two weeks later and those laws are now set to be withdrawn, but not before sparking a debate about the relatively precarious position that journalists work from on confidential sources

Epilepsy - a dark secret causing lifestyle anxieties

Many of us have heard of epilepsy, however have you ever thought of how it impacts people just going out for drinks or their relationships?

Has anyone ever told you they have epilepsy or do you have friends with secrets? Do you know how to support them during a seizure?

4ZZZ's Eliot Rifkin took a deep dive with Mater Advanced Epilepsy Unit’s Associate Professor Sasha Dionisio about all things epilepsy and the innovative work they’re doing.

West Papua series - Human Rights | Activism (Part 4 of 4)

You may have heard of West Papua, now part of Indonesia, in their striving for self-determination.  However do you know how West Papua arrived in its conflict? ...or our northern neighbour’s history?

4ZZZ's Eliot Rifkin continues the exploration of West Papua's history with Dr Jason McLeod (co-chair of the West Papua Project) in the fourth instalment in the series.

Intergenerational solidarity and issues facing today’s senior Australians

We’re all on life’s journey of ageing... do you know what to look forward to and how to make your ride comfortable?

4ZZZ’s Eliot Rifkin chatted with Council on the Ageing’s’ Chief Executive  Mark Tucker-Evans  about issues facing today’s seniors as well as COTA's upcoming annual Seniors Week.