Do you know who David Unaipon featured on our $50 Note is?

Many Australians are aware of America’s famous Native American names like Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse and Geronimo to name a few.  However, how many of our own First Nation celebrated figures do we really know like David Unaipon?

4ZZZ reporter Eliot Rifkin spoke with with Karen Hughes who has been researching the life of David Unaipon, the celebrated Indigenous Australian featured on our $50 bill. Dr Hughes was also consulted on the bill's art element designs by the Reserve Bank of Australia. 

Stolen Aboriginal Wages - A History of Slavery In Australia’s Past

Recent comments by Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison describing the colonisation of the country as brutal but not driven by slavery has sparked another round of debate about the "stolen wages" of aboriginals and others forced into work by British settlers.

Maxim Hussey interviews Thalia Anthony, Senior Lecturer in Law and specialist in Indigenous community justice at the University of Technology, Sydney.


COVID-19 raises domestic violence concerns

4ZZZ reporter Alice Leggett speaks with Minister for Child Safety, Youth and Women and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence Di Farmer, and Shadow Attorney General David Janetzki about funding and provisions the government are allocating for domestic violence support during COVID-19.

If you need support, you can contact:

Lifeline: 13 11 14
DVConnect: 1800 811 811
Mensline: 1800 600 636
1800Respect: 1800 737 732

Queensland Urban Utilities are developing new flushability standards

Urban Utilities Senior Technical Officer Chantal Keane is working with a volunteer team for the flushability standards project. These standards are hoping to help manufactures properly identify if their wipes or tissues can be safely flushed and disintegrate in the sewers.

4ZZZ reporter Cat Gardiner speaks to Chantal to learn how they are determining these new standards. 

[Image: Catrin Gardiner]

Genome mapping of the Australian Broad-Toothed Rat

Recently researchers at the University of Western Australia led by Parwinder Kaur (Parwinder car), have mapped the genome of the Broad-Toothed Rat, a native Australian mammal that has recently been put on the near-threatened species list.

4ZZZ reporter Samuel O'Brien talks to DNA Zoo Australia Director Associate Professor Parwinder Kaur from UWA’s School of Agriculture and Environment about the unique Australian mammal and the advancements made in DNA mapping over the past twenty years. 

Introduction to the world of viruses

Have you ever thought about whether a virus is an animal, plant or something else?  How often do new viruses get discovered?  What are the main virus families? 

We had a chat with Dr Ian Mackay a virologist affiliated with UQ’s Child Health Research Centre at the School of Medicine about all things virus.

To learn more... here's Dr Ian Mackay's blog where he breaks down virus-related science for you


Australia's medicine supply chain - how robust is it?

Due to coronavirus, grocery stores have been inundated with demands on their supply chains. As such, various strengths and weaknesses of countries' readiness for a new pandemic have been exposed.

One flow-on consideration in the United States has caused them to re-evaluate their emergency reserve on medicine. How is Australia's medicine manufacturing and distribution structured?

We chatted with Elizabeth De Somer the CEO of Medicines Australia about all things pharmaceutical.


Australia's Space Program and all things 'out of this world'

Did you know Australia has a space program? New technologies for a next-generation hybrid rocket for launching small satellites (as soon as 2022) are being developed right here in Queensland.

Gilmour Space Technologies is a private Australian rocket company that develops new capabilities for launching small satellites into Low Earth Orbits.

By 2025, Queensland’s space industry will be recognised as a leading centre in Australasia for launch activities, ground systems, Earth observation, niche manufacturing, robotics and automation for space.